Well, it has been a good run, but all good things must come to an end. In the final part of Conpocalypse SDCC Edition, I will discuss the events on Sunday, plus the highs and lows of SDCC 2015 as a whole. Sunday is always …
Conpocalypse 2015 SDCC Edition: From Friday to Saturday to Hall H and Back Again
I had really wanted this to go up while SDCC was still happening, but the juggling of getting ready to go on Saturday night and then the combination of going to the con and actually leaving on Sunday made doing so just too difficult to …
Conpocalypse 2015 SDCC Edition: O Funko, Where Art Thou?
I had a dream for this SDCC, and that dream was to go to the Funko booth. Last year the booth eluded me, as I could never get to the hall early enough to avoid it being capped ahead of me, and then timing when …