I see my last article posted in September; what a blessedly innocent time those halcyon days were, before the shivering nights of early November rained down its misfortune upon us all. We’ll come to know those pre-autumnal moments as The Before Times, When Things Were …
Atomika vs. Warners’ Woman Woes
In its third week at the box office, Suicide Squad finally lost the top spot to a movie where Ike Clanton pretends to be Ray Charles so he can sexually assault teenagers, and while the rapey aspects of that flick are a bit beyond the pale …
Atomika vs. the Broad Comedy of GHOSTBUSTERS (2016)
Harold Ramis ruined my adulthood. “You must have that all backwards,” you might say, mansplaining (I kid!)(maybe), “everyone knows that it’s the new things that ruin the old things! Like what 90s George Lucas did to 70s George Lucas! Like the Poseidon Adventure remake! Like …
Atomika vs Gun Culture
All you need for a movie is a gun and a girl. – Jean-Luc Godard Godard is kinda-sorta the godfather of modern cinema. Yes, there was gobs of films made before the 1960s (and good ones!), but in that halcyon Technicolor era, mainstream American films were …
Atomika vs. The Creative Gender Gap
Rebecca Hall is The Girl From That Thing You Saw™. Maybe it was a British period drama? Was it one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies? No, I think it’s… isn’t she Peggy Carter? Yeah. That’s it. We all remember Rebecca Hall from Marvel’s Agent …