SDCC 2014 Day 1: Preview Night Madness

In All, Conventions by David

David: After all the preparation for SDCC, it finally arrived, and things were interesting. First they started letting people get their badges earlier than expected, which was nice. We were able to get our badges quickly and head off immediately to line up for the Exhibit Hall, where we were placed in a line specifically for professionals. So things began rather smoothly this year, as the SDCC people proved once again that they learned their lesson after last year, when the professional line for registration lasted quite some time, and it took hours to get our badges. So we waited in line to get into the hall, strategizing about exclusives, playing Nintendo Spot Pass, reading, sleeping, and having a good time. We dreamed of getting getting in the Hasbro line, the Mattel line, and all the other crazy difficult lines. But then the hall opened, and our childish dreams were shattered.

Rocket and Groot say hi.

The deluge of people was instant. I tried rushing across the hall to reach the Funko Booth but alas, it was already capped. Another one of us actually appeared to get into the Hasbro line, only to be thwarted after much confusion and an hour wasted. Blizzard’s line was an endless circle of closing. Still, there were plenty of victories: gifts for friends were bought, several Funko figures not sold at Funko’s booth were obtained (Glow In The Dark White Lantern Flash and Stan Lee), free swag was enswaggened (another WB bag, and for the first time ever, I got the special TV guide issues made for Comic-Con). Best of all, one booth had a ball pit, which, as DashCon showed, fixes everything. More importantly, just the feeling of being back was incredible. SDCC is stressful, but oh so much fun, and things should only get better from here. Sure, there were some disappointments today, but also so many successes and fun memories. I am going to keep this post short so I can sleep, but rest assured, things are looking up, and best of all, the coverage for this is at least starting out somewhat timely. We’ll see if this keeps up.

Sweet, sweet figure, you glow so well.

Kyu: Nothing much happened, and no board games were played.

David: Well said, Kyu. See everyone tomorrow, and remember, you can always follow some of the action through my Twitter and Instagram accounts, which are both @dbrobertson88.

Picture Contribution of the Day (Thanks RJ):
